
What Babies Dream About

A cry wailed across the house and I hear Ellen running to the bedroom. Harper's having a nightmare again and she'll continue crying until you wake her up. We learned that the hard way by thinking there's something wrong and trying to find out what. That was frustrating as hell.  

Now that the light is on and Harper fell back asleep in her crevice between our bed and the wall, Elle and I chatted about what babies dream about, or what they have nightmares about. It occurred to me that a baby's nightmare could be something as simple as not being able to fit in their special little crevice anymore. No matter where we put Harper on the bed, she'll crawl into her little corner, wiggling around to make herself comfortable. Everyday she's growing bigger and bigger, and I'm sure she's already starting to feel tight in that corner. One day, she won't fit anymore (and one day, I won't be able to carry her around anymore...).

Anyways, I'm probably wrong. I just like imagining things. 

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