
True Cruelty and Internal Conflict

I am not perfect. I'm far from it. But honestly, I want to be perfect. I wish I was that perfect boyfriend, husband, or man that Ellen deserves. It saddens me that I'm not, and it kills me that I will never be. But I will keep on pretending because it makes her happy, and her happiness is all I want. 

Oftentimes, I would close my eyes and wonder what I have done to deserve such a loving person in my life. I clearly do not deserve her, and yet she loves me wholeheartedly. Her dedication and love blinds her to my flaws. Why would God do something so cruel to one of his creations? 

But nevertheless I am hopeful. I will keep pretending I am perfect. And should one day she realize I am what I am, then I will accept the cruel fate destiny has dealt me. 

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