
Dinner: My mom's family and Ellen's parents

We had dinner tonight at Newport Seafood in San Gabriel. The party consisted of my mom, Aunt Claire, Aunt Jane, Ellen's parents, and of course Ellen and I. Afterwards, we went to xiao mei for shaved ice. It wasn't as bad as I originally thought it would be, and Aunt Claire made the conversation work because she did most of the talking, not to mention she made me look good.

This is the second time my mom had dinner with Elle's parents so she didn't say much either.


My mom met Elle's parents

Last night my mom met Elle's parents. I have never had that happen before. We ate at a Islamic restaurant. It was explained to me that just means there's no pork. I stayed quiet the entire time while they talked. It wasn't all that bad. My mom was just being her, slightly naive and talkative. All in all, I'd say it was a good first meeting.


Elle and her parents go to New York

This morning I took Elle and her parents to the airport. They'll be gone for a week until Saturday. I'll be heading to Las Vegas in 2 days for a convention, and I'll return Sunday. It'll be a strange and hectic week. We have never been apart for longer than a couple of days. This will be a new experience.